benjamin constant造句

"benjamin constant"是什么意思   


  1. Writers who illustrated this concept included John Keats and Benjamin Constant.
  2. He was a friend of Benjamin Constant and translated his work.
  3. That work was carried out by Benjamin Constant in concert with the Emperor.
  4. In 1830 the church held the state funeral for Benjamin Constant.
  5. There are no roads into Benjamin Constant and the only access is by river boat.
  6. It's difficult to find benjamin constant in a sentence. 用benjamin constant造句挺难的
  7. Gall's doctoral thesis examined the political thought of Benjamin Constant, and its influence in Vorm鋜z Germany.
  8. Mora's main sources of inspiration were initially John Locke and Benjamin Constant and later Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos.
  9. Benjamin Constant was born in Niter骾.
  10. "' Feijoal "'is a village in the municipality Solim鮡s, 35 km downstream of the centre of Benjamin Constant.
  11. Docharty moved to Paris in 1894 to study at the Academie Julien under Benjamin Constant and Jean-Paul Laurens.
  12. His connections included Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, p鑢e, Musset, M閞im閑, Chateaubriand, Balzac, Stendhal, Benjamin Constant and Heinrich Heine.
  13. The Taylorian also owns one of the only two known copies of the first edition of Benjamin Constant's Adolphe.
  14. IBC was created by imperial decree in 1854, and is named after the Brazilian soldier and intellectual Benjamin Constant.
  15. On the second floor stair landing are the Ballantines, John, and his wife, Jeannette, painted by the French artist Benjamin Constant.
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


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